PRF™ Course by Dr. Choukroun

Platelet Rich Fibrin intensive course

Dr J. Choukroun will handle the following subjects during these days:

DAY 1: Friday 23 October 2020

Introduction into Phlebotomy:
  • 13.30 – 14.00: Welcome & Registration
  • 14.00 – 15.30: Biological Basis and technique
  • 15.30 – 16.00: Coffee Break
  • 16.00 – 17.30: Hands on Training Session

In order to maximize the potential of PRF, you need to be competent and able to draw blood from your patient. There will be an introductory course in taking blood, including a hands-on session.

DAY 2: Saturday 24 October 2020

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) in Oral Surgery
  • 08.30 – 9.00: Welcome & Registration
  • 09.00 – 10.45: PRF: Biological Basis and Principles
  • 10.45 – 11.15: Coffee Break
  • 11.15 – 13.00: PRF: Protocols and Indications
  • 13.00 – 14.00: Lunch
  • 14.00 – 15.45: PRF: Clinical use and results
  • 15.45 – 16.15: Coffee Break
  • 16.15 – 18.00:
    • PRF Handling Demonstration:
    • Soft Brushing Technique
    • Advanced Suturing Techniques

The latest updates: A-PRF, S-PRF, i-PRF+ and Sticky Bone with variable density.
Biological factors for long term success: Tension, pressure, Vitamin D, Cholesterol.
Peri-implantitis and bone loss: Physiological approach. Prevention and solutions.
Relevance of protocols with the concept of low speed centrifugation.
Growth Factors: Biology and Physiology. Mechanism of action.
PRF with biomaterials: What kind of biomaterials do we have to mix with PRF.

Register for our 1 or 2 day program on Friday 23 October 2020 and/or
Saturday 24 October 2020 at the clinic Saint-Jean Brussels.

Registration fee:

  • Day 1: Phlebotomy course : 250 EUR including taxes, coffee break > After 01/10/2020: 300 EUR
  • Day 2: PRF course : 450 EUR including taxes, coffee break and lunch > After 01/10/2020: 500 EUR
  • Day 1 + 2: Phlebotomy + PRF course : 650 EUR including taxes, coffee break and lunch > After 01/10/2020: 700 EUR

For registration, please use our online form:
Or send an e-mail to

Please transfer the amount on EODEC scientific Account :
BE39 7785 9851 5519 – BIC : KREDBEBB

Registration is confirmed by payment on account number.